Our Sumatra coffee : by and for the indonesian community

Our Sumatra coffee : by and for the indonesian community
Our SUMATRA coffee: a big step for the development of Indonesian community

Our organic and fair trade Sumatra coffee has been the talk of the town for more than 15 years now.

What makes this coffee so special? Learn more about SUMATRA and the positive impact it has on its population through our involvement with Fairtrade Canada.

The taste

With its wild and authentic taste, Sumatran Island coffee is unique and amazing. Thanks to the drying method used during production, it reveals woody and spicy aromas, while being free of acidity. Enjoy a coffee with a strong taste that does not lack intensity!

The harvest

Café William's SUMATRA is harvested in the Aceh region in the north of the island, between 1,100 and 1,300 meters above sea level on the Gayo Mountains.


Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands? Sumatra is the largest.

Real impacts!

The sale of our SUMATRA coffee has enabled coffee growers in the region to benefit from more than $ 425,000 in Fairtrade premiums, in addition to $ 630,000 in organic differential which is paid directly to growers in order to maintain organic coffee production.

Thanks to the commitment of Café William, producers on the island of Sumatra have been able to carry out several projects and meet real needs.

  • Construction of a 500m road in the village of Pepalang

Before this project, the dirt road was very slippery during the rainy season. It was difficult to access and producers sometimes had to avoid it. Unable to get to their farm, the coffee plants were therefore more neglected. The road now allows vehicles to travel more easily, and the transport of crops is thus improved.

  • Access to drinking water

In the village of Depet, the inhabitants decided to use the Fairtrade premium in order to solve the water supply problems. In the past, residents had to collect rainwater or walk for miles to fetch water that was unfit for consumption. The water is now potable and accessible at home. Thanks to this, the health and hygiene of the inhabitants have greatly improved!

  • Prevention of landslides through the construction of a supporting wall

A wall has been built in the village of Berawang Dewal to protect the primary school from the risk of a landslide. Indeed, the topography of the site could cause a collapse during heavy rains, which could be very dangerous for the students.

  • Construction of a concrete drying floor

It is essential that the bean drying process is appropriate during the harvest season. This new floor makes it possible to preserve the quality of the coffee more efficiently during the drying process. The quality of the coffee is now improved and has a more consistent taste.

Fairtrade premium delivers real impact through development of farming capacity & much needed funds for local community projects.

  • Renewal of farms and enhancement of biodiversity

Each year, around 10% of coffee trees need to be replaced for various reasons (age, disease, climate, etc.). Trees intended to shade plantations also need to be maintained. Coffee trees and shade trees were therefore distributed to producers to help them maintain their coffee growing.

  • Capacity building and training on better agricultural practices

The William Coffee bonus helped provide technical support to producers to improve the productivity and quality of their coffee. They were able to receive various field training such as pest control and pruning. Each year, at least 25% of Fairtrade premiums are invested in coffee productivity and quality improvement practices.

  • Distribution of agricultural tools

The island community has also been able to acquire new, more efficient farming tools. These are very important for farmers as they allow them to maintain organic farming and thus control weeds without using herbicides.

  • Distribution of organic fertilizer

As a certified organic crop, coffee production must be done entirely without chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is therefore essential! Thanks to the Fairtrade premium money, coffee farmers were able to be trained on how to best prepare organic fertilizer made from coffee cherries and compost. They were also given liquid fertilizer, which supplies nutrients and minerals to the soil.Want to learn more about Café William's commitment? See our article in La Tribune or our Organic and Fair Trade page.When you buy Sumatra, you're not just buying coffee: you're helping a whole community.

Make a difference ... drink Fairtrade!

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