Kenyan Coffee : one of the best coffees in the world

Kenyan Coffee : one of the best coffees in the world
Kenyan Coffee : one of the best coffees in the world

All origins of coffee have their own characteristics. See why Kenya AA coffee is one of the best coffees in the world, and why Café William has decided to include it in their accessible coffee collection.

Although coffee cultivation got off to a relatively late start in the country, the industry has gained and maintained an impressive reputation. Since the beginning of its production, Kenyan coffee has been recognized for its careful preparation of high quality and its utterly exquisite flavors.

Although coffee in Kenya represents only around 1% of the world's production, its culture is essential to the country's economy. The hot climate and the intermittent rainy seasons allow excellent harvests of this exceptional coffee.

At Café William, we are proud to work with farmers across the country to ensure these exceptional coffees, like the Kenya AA receive the honors they deserve!High on the highlands of Kenya, we find some of the best high-end coffees there are. With lots of body, pleasant acidity, rich flavor, and a fragrant, floral aroma, coffees from Kenya are known as connoisseurs cup. Take a break from your fast-paced day and enjoy the sublime and almost intoxicating blackcurrant nuances of this unique coffee.

Kenya AA’s very distinctive flavors make it one of the top five coffees in the world, and with good reason. Do not hesitate to open your taste buds to discover and taste this liquid gold; you will be pleasantly surprised to see all its complexity.

Café William offers you delicious Kenya AA coffee in a light roast. This brown roast will allow you to discover all its flavors and aromas in an optimal way. African coffee fan? Take a look at our aromatic Yirgacheffe: each cup will take you somewhere else!


The term "AA" refers to the grading of coffee beans according to standards set by the Kenya Coffee Council. The AA graded beans single out that it is the largest bean size, which has grown at high altitudes and in an ideal climate for optimal cultivation. All these variables ensure that this coffee is of exceptional quality. Kenya AA is therefore the best quality of coffee bean that can be found in the country. The grading of the beans differs from one country to another! Learn more about Kenyan coffee classification HERE.

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